Sorry for your loss

October 19, 2018

Ohhhhh you don’t even know what’s been going on. So one, I got whammied by a really nasty cold, and two, one of my teeth cracked and had to be taken out, which was a really gross method of life imitating art. (I’m fine, I have dental), so the week has been spent in a bit of a haze. Still, here’s the next page. Where’s my cryptic one-liner, lemme see… ah, here:

Not stuck so much as doomed, perhaps.

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Whisper a little prayer for me, my baby

October 9, 2018

  • There is a diner in Crown Heights where you always seem to end up at weird hours when odd things are happening. This is that diner. I’ve found myself there at a 4 am, a 5 am, a 2 pm, and all of those are very weird hours indeed.
  • Having a car in Crown Heights isn’t as hard as in, say, Manhattan. Jay has a very solid Ford It’sFineReally, with only a few dents in it here and there.
  • In the kitchen, the staff has on the radio (they have long negotiated a truce over what music they play, and finally everyone agreed that they liked the oldies station – las buenas, las viejitas, las oldiesbutgoodies). The Shirelles are singing Dedicated to the One I Love while Iolanthe’s heart cracks in half.

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